Cholesterol Vitamin D

When supporting and detoxifying the liver there are several nutrients that should be considered. Since the majority of cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver, keeping the liver free of excess toxins can [...]

2021-10-05T17:16:01+00:00October 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Cholesterol Vitamin D

Understanding Calcium

Calcium is a major mineral with many functions in the body. It is a major electrolyte and is also involved in chemical functions as well as the physical makeup of bones, teeth, and connective tissues. [...]

2021-09-22T20:21:19+00:00September 22nd, 2021|Comments Off on Understanding Calcium

Total Body Detox Cleansing

Indigenous peoples have valued the benefits of a wide variety of herbs for their cleansing and detoxification benefits. Virtually every society has embraced the benefits of key herbs such as wild mango, cascara sagrada, [...]

2023-02-05T22:04:40+00:00September 1st, 2021|Comments Off on Total Body Detox Cleansing

High Vitality Liquid Multivitamin and Mineral Formula

When it comes to a multivitamin and mineral supplement several factors are important to help ensure maximum benefit. Firstly, we must address totality. There are at least 100+nutrients that the body uses on a [...]

2022-12-21T23:54:03+00:00August 24th, 2021|Comments Off on High Vitality Liquid Multivitamin and Mineral Formula

June 4th is National Cheese Day

June 4th is national cheese day and this is important because cheese is one of the healthiest things we can eat. Of course, I’m talking about fermented cheeses which are high in natural bacteria. This [...]

2021-07-20T19:49:11+00:00May 24th, 2021|Comments Off on June 4th is National Cheese Day

National Drink Wine Day February 18th 2021

This month we celebrate national drink wine day! The benefits of drinking wine, especially red wine, have been well-established. The antioxidant benefits available in red wine can help protect the body against many free radical [...]

2021-07-20T19:51:52+00:00February 15th, 2021|Comments Off on National Drink Wine Day February 18th 2021
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