When supporting and detoxifying the liver there are several nutrients that should be considered. Since the majority of cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver, keeping the liver free of excess toxins can help liver function. Nutrients such as garlic, cayenne pepper, natural plant sterols, and the B-vitamin niacin can benefit the liver. Garlic has been used for centuries as a “blood Cleanser” by indigenous peoples. Niacin has many functions in the body including coenzyme formation, the synthesis of sex hormone, supports a healthy nervous system, and improves circulation.

Considering that this month is World Heart Day, placing emphasis on nutrients that can support the cardiovascular system. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized countries and has been on the steady rise for the past 5 years. Dietary factors, nutrient deficiencies and a lack of physical activity have been identified as possible contributing factors. A diet high in unhealthy fats is an established factor. Excess consumption of rancid vegetable oil and hydrogenated fats should be reduced or eliminated altogether. Due to technology few people get the level of exercise they need. The guideline of 30 minutes of exercise three to four times per week is often missed by our sedentary lifestyle. Each of these factors drives the heart disease epidemic and must be addressed if prevention is our goal. Check back next week for information about the leading liquid vitamins on Amazon.