There are a huge number of organic chemicals with great potential in the health and wellbeing of all of us. We collectively call these phytonutrients. One group of these are the flavanols. Flavanols or flavonoids, are antioxidants with enormous health benefits. Flavanols or flavonoids are found in fruits, vegetables, and most especially red wine. Resveratrol found in red wine, has demonstrated significant antioxidant properties, helping to control free radical production internally. Quercetin, another flavonoid, has made headline news just recently for its ability to provide support for brain tissues and cognition. While we don’t fully understand all the roles phytonutrients play in human health, we do know that antioxidants have become ever-increasingly important as our food, water and environment continues to degrade. Check out the full article on flavonols that may slow cognitive decline. Also, check back next week for more information about quercetin and lung health.