There is still a great deal of discussion as to what is the most efficient and effective delivery system for dietary supplements, and best liquid multivitamin. In most cases tablets offer the least absorption potential especially after age 50, because as we grow older our digestive system becomes less efficient. Capsules offer an ideal alternative and if made properly, can greatly enhance absorption and breakdown. This brings us to liquid delivery systems, which have many advantages over other forms. A hundred years ago liquid elixirs and healthy tonics were all the rage. At that time these preparations contained precious little except a few herbal extracts and a good dose of alcohol. Health Tonics today can represent some of the most wide spectrum delivery of nutrients available.

When seeking the best men’s vitality vitamins or the best vitamins for women, we can provide these in a highly absorbable liquid delivery system. Liquid multivitamins, which can represent the best multivitamins for women as well as the best multivitamins for men, can also include factors making them healthy aging supplements as well. Our concept of a good liquid supplement would include a full-spectrum of nutrients that would cover plant trace minerals, herbal vitamins, energy vitamins, as well as stress supplements. The formula currently offers 136 nutrients in the right ratios, potency, and the highest delivery system currently available making it the best liquid multivitamin available in the world.

Best Vitamins for Energy

It seems these days everyone is looking for greater energy. This is partly because we try to cram far too much into each hour of every day, often sleeping less than we need and burning the candle at both ends. In addition to these problems, our diet is made up of mostly refined over processed foods that offer little nutrition or nutrients to the living system of the body. Some of the biggest concerns for the majority of people who contact us include healthy aging supplements, stress supplements, natural vitamins, herbal vitamins and of course the best vitamins for energy.

The best vitamins for men and the best vitamins for women would address as many of these concerns and desires as possible. When we consider a multi-faceted supplement, we must also consider other basic factors such as convenience, economics, completeness, and the right ratios for maximum absorption. For this reason, we feel that Liquid Vitamins and Liquid Mineral Supplements are among the best choices, especially for those over the age of 50 when digestion and absorption began to become compromised. The formula that we developed for Phoenix Nutritionals, which they call High Vitality Liquid Multivitamin, meets and even exceeds most of these prerequisites. In this liquid formula we have also included plant trace minerals because of their bio-electrical activity, which among other things, increases absorption of other nutrients. These formulas are highly available due to either the liquid suspension or micro thin encapsulation.

Men’s Vitality, Weight loss, Energy, and Wellness

When discussing men’s vitality, weight loss, energy, and wellness we always start with supplements. Healthy aging formulas for men should include whole food vitamins, stress supplements, plant trace minerals, and of course energy vitamins. For men being physically fit into middle age and beyond is often a top priority. Energy vitamins such as the B complex and many minerals, are important for maintaining energy and vitality. The best vitamins for men include all of these factors in a balanced and highly absorbable delivery system. Liquid vitamins have the advantage of providing much greater absorption as well as the convenience of it all in one, easy to take formula. The full-spectrum formula that we have developed for Phoenix Nutritionals provides the complete run of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and the fatty acids. These formulas are highly available due to either the liquid suspension or micro thin encapsulation. Check back next month for more info about Appetite Control with Mood Support. Check back soon for more information on the most complete multivitamin in America.