Key Nutrients for a high stress lifestyle. Our Society can Produce High Levels of Stress at almost every turn. Over time this excess Stress can lead to a downward spiral of our Health and Wellness, leading to Insomnia, Anxiety, and even Depression. Nutritional Science has Identified Several Key Nutrients to Nourish and Support the body during these times. In order to Best Achieve this, Nutrients for the Central Nervous System as well as adrenal Support Factors must be included.

The Best Stress Vitamin in the World would include: Vitamin C for Immune Support. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 for Central Nervous System Support. Pantothenic Acid, another B Complex Nutrient, has been shown to mitigate the potential side effects of excess Stress. We include this nutrient in extremely high potency for this reason. We also include Chelated Magnesium for its overall calming effect. The Formula is completed by the addition of raw adrenal extract to nourish the adrenal glands.